Airtime is now in DRC!

Send virtual discounted airtime across DRC. Talk to us to get started.

Talk To Us

Product Overview

We offer mobile data distribution services instantly to mobile subscribers with instant notifications on delivery or failure. Using our Mobile Data API attracts discounts on every transaction saving money for you.

Delivery Notification

Delivery Notifications

We receive and share success or failure notifications for all Mobile Data requests processed to your application

High Capacity

High Capacity

Our Mobile Data gateway is built to handle thousands of concurrent requests at any one time


Earn Discounts

Every Mobile Data transaction attracts a discount that you can use to monetize your API calls

Use Cases

Micro-payment Solutions

Micro-payment Solutions

Virtual Mobile Data is one of the most efficient channels for making micro payments to a large group of people in emerging markets. Our platform makes it easy to build a solution like this and earn discounts when doing it.

Incentivising Users

Incentivising Users

Mobile Data rewards can be a great incentive for a mobile subscriber to take part in an activity. Use it to drive up survey response rates, run mass-market advertising campaigns or promote content.


Supporting App Usage

Provide your users with a data package upon sign-up to your platform so as to facilitate initial app exploration and encourage engagement without the worry of personal data costs.

Start sending mobile data

# import package import africastalking
#initialize SDK username = "YOUR_USERNAME"
# Initialize a service e.g. mobiledata mobiledata = africastalking.MobileData
# Use the service synchronously response = mobiledata.send(
productName="Mobile Data",
phoneNumber: "+2547XXXXXXXX",
quantity: 1,
unit: "50MB",
validity: "Day"

AT Developers

Start sending mobile data

We have provided extensive resources to help you quickly build, integrate and test your applications.

See sample code



Telco Validity Bundle Package WhatsApp Cost in KES
Safaricom 30 days 50MB YES 10.00
Safaricom 30 days 100MB YES 20.00
Safaricom 30 days 250MB YES 50.00
Safaricom 30 days 500MB YES 100.00
Safaricom 30 days 1GB YES 205.00
Safaricom 30 days 5GB YES 1,025.00
Safaricom 30 days 10GB YES 2,050.00

Telco Validity Bundle Package Cost in UGX Discount
Lyca Mobile Daily 50 MB UGX 250 3%
Lyca Mobile Daily 100 MB + 50 Mins UGX 500 3%
Lyca Mobile Daily 250 MB + 100 Mins UGX 750 3%
Lyca Mobile Daily 400 MB + 300 Mins UGX 1,000 3%
Lyca Mobile Daily 1 GB + 1,000 Mins UGX 2,000 3%
Lyca Mobile Daily 5 GB + Unlimited Mins UGX 5,000 3%
Lyca Mobile Weekly 2 GB + 100 Mins UGX 5,000 3%
Lyca Mobile Weekly 5 GB + 300 Mins UGX 10,000 3%
Lyca Mobile Weekly 10 GB + 500 Mins UGX 15,000 3%
Lyca Mobile Weekly 20 GB + 1,000 Mins UGX 20,000 3%
Lyca Mobile Monthly 1.5 GB + 300 Mins UGX 5,000 3%
Lyca Mobile Monthly 4 GB + 500 Mins UGX 10,000 3%
Lyca Mobile Monthly 10 GB + Unlimited Mins UGX 15,000 3%
Lyca Mobile Monthly 20 GB + Unlimited Mins UGX 20,000 3%
Lyca Mobile Monthly 25 GB + Unlimited Mins UGX 30,000 3%
Lyca Mobile Monthly 50 GB + Unlimited Mins UGX 50,000 3%
Lyca Mobile Monthly 100 GB + Unlimited Mins UGX 100,000 3%

Telco Validity Bundle Package Cost in UGX Discount
MTN Uganda Daily 70 MB UGX 500 3%
MTN Uganda Daily 165 MB UGX 1,000 3%
MTN Uganda Daily 500 MB UGX 2,000 3%
MTN Uganda Daily 1.5 GB UGX 5,000 3%
MTN Uganda Weekly 1.5 GB UGX 10,000 3%
MTN Uganda Weekly 5 GB UGX 20,000 3%
MTN Uganda Monthly 1.5 GB UGX 5,000 3%
MTN Uganda Monthly 3.2 GB UGX 10,000 3%
MTN Uganda Monthly 7.5 GB UGX 20,000 3%
MTN Uganda Monthly 22 GB UGX 50,000 3%
MTN Uganda Monthly 48 GB UGX 100,000 3%
MTN Uganda Monthly 170 GB UGX 550,000 3%
Telco Validity Bundle Package Cost in NGN
Glo Mobile Bi-weekly 200 MB 50
Glo Mobile Bi-weekly 500 MB 125
Glo Mobile Monthly 500 MB 125
Glo Mobile Monthly 1 GB 250
Glo Mobile Monthly 2 GB 500
Glo Mobile Monthly 3 GB 750
Glo Mobile Monthly 5 GB 1250
Glo Mobile Monthly 10 GB 2500


Vodacom - Voice Deals

Product Code Cost in Rand Description Network ID
394 2 Power 10min Voice Bundle R2 Vodacom
493 5 Power 60min Voice Bundle R5 Vodacom
3246 29 DayByDay Three Day Voice 100min R29 Vodacom
3247 50 DayByDay Seven Day Voice 60min R50 Vodacom
3248 69 DayByDay Seven Day Voice 100min R69 Vodacom
3249 299 DayByDay Thirty Day Voice 100min R299 Vodacom


MTN - Voice Deals

Product Code Cost in Rand Description Network ID
2468 3 Daily All-Net Voice 5min R3 MTN
2469 5 Daily All-Net Voice 10min R5 MTN
3151 10 Daily All-Net Voice 30min R10 MTN
3152 12 Daily All-New Voice 60min R12 MTN
3153 20 Daily All-New Voice 120min R20 MTN
2485 5 Daily On-Net Voice 55min R5 MTN
2473 30 Weekly All-Net Voice 70min R30 MTN
2477 150 Weekly All-Net Voice 600min R150 MTN
3464 30 Weekly On-Net Voice 280min R30 MTN
2491 100 Weekly On-Net Voice 1050min R100 MTN
2490 50 Monthly On-Net Voice 350min R50 MTN
3108 100 Monthly On-Net Voice 900Min R100 MTN

Cell C

Cell C - Voice Deals

Product Code Cost in Rand Description Network ID
3028 5 Daily Call 10min R5 Cell C
3029 9 Daily Call 20min R9 Cell C
3030 19 Daily Call 60min R19 Cell C
3027 29 Daily Call 100min R29 Cell C
3049 10 Weekly Call 15min R10 Cell C
3051 19 Weekly Call 35min R19 Cell C
3052 25 Weekly Call 50min R25 Cell C
3048 39 Weekly Call 100min R39 Cell C
3050 69 Weekly Call 200min R69 Cell C
3040 25 Monthly Call Any-Net 30min R25 Cell C
3041 50 Monthly Call Any-Net 90min R50 Cell C
3039 99 Monthly Call Any-Net 240min R99 Cell C
3038 229 Monthly Call Any-Net 1000min R229 Cell C


Telkom - Voice Deals

Product Code Cost in Rand Description Network ID
3110 5 All- Net Voice Minutes 10min R5 Telkom Mobile
3111 9 All- Net Voice Minutes 20min R9 Telkom Mobile
3112 15 All- Net Voice Minutes 25min R15 Telkom Mobile
3113 30 All- Net Voice Minutes 50min R30 Telkom Mobile
3114 60 All- Net Voice Minutes 100min R60 Telkom Mobile
3115 100 All- Net Voice Minutes 200min R100 Telkom Mobile
3116 150 All- Net Voice Minutes 300min R150 Telkom Mobile
3117 250 All- Net Voice Minutes 500min R250 Telkom Mobile
3227 531 All-net Minutes 1000 Min R531 Telkom Mobile
2870 5 Seven Day All Network Voice 10min R5 Telkom Mobile
2871 9 Seven Day All Network Voice 20min R9 Telkom Mobile

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